Verisafe - Your Personal Safety & Risk Management Solution


Phone with Verisafe App open

Partner With Verisafe


We partner with Schools and Universities, offering parents, caregivers, students, and staff special offers. We partner to collaboratively work on promoting safety and wellbeing (tips and printed resources) locally and internationally.

We partner with workplace safety professionals wishing to add Verisafe to their suite of product offerings for existing clients.

We partner with those in the travel, tourism, and insurance sectors, wishing to offer Verisafe to clients as an addon to existing services.

We partner with brands that sell other aligned products and services or who serve potentially vulnerable community members. Clothing brands that care about women's safety, adventure brands, entertainment providers, etc. For example: active wear worn by women training alone. Verisafe coupon codes are added to clothing tags and together we give a percent back to aligned charities.

We partner with organisations that support vulnerable people in need of our services.

If you are interested in talking about possible partnerships, please get in touch.



We were very happy to be finalists at the 2016 Sustainable Business Network Awards for the "Community Innovation" category. In 2017, we are finalists in the "Hardwired for Social Good" category. Two years in a row feels pretty good!

Verisafe were recently finalists in the 2017 NSCA Foundation/GIO Workers Compensation National Safety Awards of Excellence. We received a highly commended award for the "Best Solution of a WHS Risk (small business)".
